カルキのディクシャ WHO IS THAT?
Timothy responded:
Dear "Sally,"
Thank you for your email and your passion for real spirituality. Yes, earthly life right now is "beyond busy" for this one, but i'll take the time to respond to some of your points.
First, i'm so very glad to hear that you've made acquaintance with the truly Self-Realized sage Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. If you've not already seen it, there is a lot of material on his life and teachings at my long webpage (with several links to free books, teachings-excerpts, etc.) at www.enlightened-spirituality.org/Nisargadatta_Maharaj.html
A few comments on A&B and the Oneness Movement....
You wrote:
>I had started to feel very uncomfortable with the position that I had found myself in, of feeling the need to keep paying for these "Oneness Blessings" if I were to be able to develop spiritually, since I have been on a disability pension [...] and struggling to pay for the basics as well as ongoing treatment. [...] I had questioned a few Blessing-givers about the fact that a set fee was being charged - usually about $20 per group phone/distant Blessing and considerably more for private ones - rather than a donation. [...]
Sally, having a set fee for Deeksha (or for any other spiritual "service" that is being commodified in today's insecure and voracious society) is ridiculous and unjust, not only because God-Realization is not a "commodity" but also because of our world's increasingly disparate distribution of economic wealth. If one is charging money for one's services, there should always be a "sliding fee scale" to match this widespread economic disparity. Consider: for someone making over US$100,000 per year, paying $20 for a group fee is nothing. But for the great majority of other folks-- comprising the "near poor," "working poor," poor, and destitute-- a set fee like this $20 per group deeksha and much more money for a private deeksha is punitively rigid... and greedy.
過半数の裕福な連中を除けば-「貧乏に近い者」、「働けども貧しい者」、貧乏人、困窮者から構成されています - グループディクシャで20ドル、そして個人のディクシャでより高額というこのような固定料金は、懲罰的に酷いです・・・そして、貪欲です。
Ah, "the karmas of jivas." Alas, there is "karmuppance" for such greed and exploitation. We pray that all may be saved from their own karmas and karmuppance and come back to real freedom, openness, emptiness, fullness as Divine Awareness-Aliveness-Isness!
[UPDATE: my other correspondent, a Deeksha practitioner not devoted to A&B, informs me in June 2010: "Since 2008 OM has told us not to charge any money... I haven't asked for donations in years, and when I did have a basket out it was for suggested donations. I don't think there is one Blessing Giver who ever thought they would make money from this."]
Sally, you also wrote:
>The idea that is promulgated, that there is nothing one can do, but that enlightenment has to be given, puts one in a position of dependency, and since it is recommended that the Blessing be received weekly, this had started to seem to me to be a very unhealthy type of dependency which in my case would impose financial strain.
Yes, Sally, this dependency is a very real problem, and it is the mark of inferior spiritual groups that are not about true spiritual Freedom, but are perpetuating insidious forms of bondage, attachment, fear and insecurity.
As for the interesting "experiences" that are available through A&B's O.M. and through other cults --e.g., Adi Da's group, Osho Rajneesh's, Sathya Sai's, not to mention certain cultic circles outside India within Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, certain forms of Muslim Sufism, New Age groups, etc.-- there's nothing very impressive about these experiences. Expectancy effects and the sincerity and dedication of many spiritual aspirants who come to these movements could account for many of the inner experiences. Furthermore, any of these human characters who establish these cults could just be psychic channels for discarnate entities working interdimensionally to create all sorts of "experiences" in people, experiences that seem dazzling and/or extraordinary in their peaceful content or energy-intensity. (Apparently, according to psychics, such entities like to "feed" off the energy in human beings drawn to big gatherings of a religious, spiritual, political, sports, or other type.) I'm sure that if people sat around the legendary Satan/Lucifer (the "Light Bearer," brightest of all angels), they'd be having all sorts of "amazing experiences" as well.
A&BのO.M.と他のカルト(例えばアディ・ダ、オショー・ラジニーシ、サティヤ・サイのグループ、ペンテコステ派とカリスマ派のキリスト教、イスラム教スーフィズムの特定の種類、ニューエイジグループ等を含む名を挙げないインド外部のカルトサークル)を通じて得られる興味深い「体験」として -- これらの体験については余り印象的なものがありません。
I always like to distinguish between getting really CLEAR (on our True Nature as Pure, Open, non-objectifiable Awareness) and merely "getting high" (on euphoria, on dazzling experiences, energy-rushes, states of great peace-bliss, and so on). In other words, true spiritual aspirants make a priority out of relaxing the ego-knot and receding back into realization of Siva (Pure Empty-Open Awareness) and not indulging in Sakti's play, the play of energies and states of consciousness which are always "downstream" from Source-Awareness, which is always HERE and NOW as Our Absolutely True and Simple Spiritual Reality. To one who has fully surrendered his/her life to this Siva-Source, the various gifts, powers and states of Sakti will bow down in service. Moreover, such a true sage will never be a "taker," only a giver, one who gives freely without neediness.
言い換えれば、真の霊性志願者は自我 - 結び目をゆるめて、シヴァ(純粋な空 - 開いた認識)の現実化の背後に下がって、シャクティの遊戯に没頭しません。
In this context, Sally, i would also recommend (if you're so inclined) the presence of the "Hugging Mother" Amma Amritanandamayi (amma.org), the supreme "giver" of our day, who is always freely available to anyone. Her common teachings for the masses are more "dualistically" bhakti [devotion]-oriented, but Amma also communicates very powerful nondual advaita teachings as the heart-essence of her spiritual teaching. And she openly, ongoingly lives this nonduality in her always seeing and serving everyone as manifestations of the Divine equal to herself.
>However, I am still left wondering how both Kiara Windrider ('Deeksha - the Fire from Heaven') and Arjuna Ardagh ('Awakening into Oneness'), who both seem to be intelligent, sincere, spiritually experienced and credible people, could have been so deeply impressed by A & B and the whole Oneness organization, and how so many thousands of people could have been persuaded to part with so much money for the 21 and 10-day processes, and how the movement could have grown so quickly if its claims are so hollow, as they appear to be from the articles posted on your site from former long-time followers.
>しかし、私はキアラ・ウィンドリダー(『ディクシャ - 天からの炎』)とアルジュナ・アルダー(『ワンネスへの目覚め)がどうして未だに離れていないのかが不思議で仕方ありません。
Sally, the reasons for the large, rapid growth of O.M. are no doubt due to 1) the great spiritual hunger of lots of people for unusual experiences; 2) Kalki's silly but sizzling idea that enlightenment can be bought and obtained through "transmission" and "changing of the brain" via deeksha; and 3) the intensely apocalyptic idea of mass enlightenment by 2012 (many people's psyches are drawn to this fascinatingly attractive but unproven and actually quite implausible idea of collective enlightenment ushered in by an astrologically auspicious and momentous date on the calendar). Also: 4) in that quid pro quo arrangement i mentioned in [this] long webpage on Kalki and O.M., i made it clear that certain western teachers (Ardagh, Windrider, Robbins, et al.) are benefitting by their relationship with A&B, and vice versa: the support of each party can be used for publicity purposes of mutually "legitimizing" the other party. In other words, A&B are legitimized by the attention of these western teachers and their followers/readers, and these western teachers and followers are legitimized by the "blessing" of A&B. But i find the entire Oneness movement to be illegitimate because of its fraudulent, exploitative dynamics!
Sally, you wrote:
>Also, Arjuna Ardagh states that he never witnessed any evidence of opulent living by A & B and the dasas, so what would be the point of having such an efficient money-making machine if its fruits aren't being enjoyed?
Well, that Oneness Temple (to which most of the funds have been going over the last several years) is rather opulently luxurious and extravagant, isn't it? I'm sure that A&B and the remaining dasas (most have left A&B) very much enjoy looking out from all those marble terraces of the Temple onto the crowds of deeksha-seekers below. My bet is that the opulent living by A&B will increase over time, and will take subtler forms than, say, Rajneesh's ostentatious fleet of 75 Rolls Royce automobiles. Apparently, according to at least one lawsuit in the courts, lots of monies are being siphoned off to enrich the family of A&B. See items #9 and #10 at [this] webpage on Kalki--"Brief report from a devotee of Ramana Maharshi writing from India on the government investigations of the Kalki cult" and also "Madras High Court orders investigation of Kalki cult." In the former it is alleged that Kalki's son Krishna has 33 cars (at last count). That's rather "opulent," no?
カルキの[この]ウェブページのアイテム♯9と♯10を参照して下さい -「インド政府によるカルキカルトの調査についてラマナマハリシ帰依者からの要約した報告(インドで書かれた)」、それと「マドラス高等裁判所がカルキカルトの調査を命じる。」
>Part of my motivation is to get enough clarity to be able to really let go of this thing and not have any lingering doubts. [...] Although I am disappointed, I don't feel crushed by the revelations about A & B because I know that authentic teachers and paths do exist, even if they are not so easy to find. I feel that 'I Am That' [the book of conversations with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj] has given me enough to go on with for the rest of my life and that if I could just apply myself earnestly to only that, it would be enough.
『アイ アム ザット』が私の残りの人生に必要なものを与えてくれたと感じます。
Yes, Sally, as Sri Nisargadatta, Sri Ramana Maharshi and other true sages would say, the best form of Satsang is abiding as the Atma God-Self, the Self of all selves, and spontaneously serving every self as none other than One Self!
Wishing you everything wonderful, O Atma-manifesting-as-Sally! And i do hope and pray that your finances and health improve!
* * *
[ * サリーからの短い返信が続きます ]
Dear "Sally,"
Thank you for your email and your passion for real spirituality. Yes, earthly life right now is "beyond busy" for this one, but i'll take the time to respond to some of your points.
First, i'm so very glad to hear that you've made acquaintance with the truly Self-Realized sage Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. If you've not already seen it, there is a lot of material on his life and teachings at my long webpage (with several links to free books, teachings-excerpts, etc.) at www.enlightened-spirituality.org/Nisargadatta_Maharaj.html
A few comments on A&B and the Oneness Movement....
You wrote:
>I had started to feel very uncomfortable with the position that I had found myself in, of feeling the need to keep paying for these "Oneness Blessings" if I were to be able to develop spiritually, since I have been on a disability pension [...] and struggling to pay for the basics as well as ongoing treatment. [...] I had questioned a few Blessing-givers about the fact that a set fee was being charged - usually about $20 per group phone/distant Blessing and considerably more for private ones - rather than a donation. [...]
Sally, having a set fee for Deeksha (or for any other spiritual "service" that is being commodified in today's insecure and voracious society) is ridiculous and unjust, not only because God-Realization is not a "commodity" but also because of our world's increasingly disparate distribution of economic wealth. If one is charging money for one's services, there should always be a "sliding fee scale" to match this widespread economic disparity. Consider: for someone making over US$100,000 per year, paying $20 for a group fee is nothing. But for the great majority of other folks-- comprising the "near poor," "working poor," poor, and destitute-- a set fee like this $20 per group deeksha and much more money for a private deeksha is punitively rigid... and greedy.
過半数の裕福な連中を除けば-「貧乏に近い者」、「働けども貧しい者」、貧乏人、困窮者から構成されています - グループディクシャで20ドル、そして個人のディクシャでより高額というこのような固定料金は、懲罰的に酷いです・・・そして、貪欲です。
Ah, "the karmas of jivas." Alas, there is "karmuppance" for such greed and exploitation. We pray that all may be saved from their own karmas and karmuppance and come back to real freedom, openness, emptiness, fullness as Divine Awareness-Aliveness-Isness!
[UPDATE: my other correspondent, a Deeksha practitioner not devoted to A&B, informs me in June 2010: "Since 2008 OM has told us not to charge any money... I haven't asked for donations in years, and when I did have a basket out it was for suggested donations. I don't think there is one Blessing Giver who ever thought they would make money from this."]
Sally, you also wrote:
>The idea that is promulgated, that there is nothing one can do, but that enlightenment has to be given, puts one in a position of dependency, and since it is recommended that the Blessing be received weekly, this had started to seem to me to be a very unhealthy type of dependency which in my case would impose financial strain.
Yes, Sally, this dependency is a very real problem, and it is the mark of inferior spiritual groups that are not about true spiritual Freedom, but are perpetuating insidious forms of bondage, attachment, fear and insecurity.
As for the interesting "experiences" that are available through A&B's O.M. and through other cults --e.g., Adi Da's group, Osho Rajneesh's, Sathya Sai's, not to mention certain cultic circles outside India within Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, certain forms of Muslim Sufism, New Age groups, etc.-- there's nothing very impressive about these experiences. Expectancy effects and the sincerity and dedication of many spiritual aspirants who come to these movements could account for many of the inner experiences. Furthermore, any of these human characters who establish these cults could just be psychic channels for discarnate entities working interdimensionally to create all sorts of "experiences" in people, experiences that seem dazzling and/or extraordinary in their peaceful content or energy-intensity. (Apparently, according to psychics, such entities like to "feed" off the energy in human beings drawn to big gatherings of a religious, spiritual, political, sports, or other type.) I'm sure that if people sat around the legendary Satan/Lucifer (the "Light Bearer," brightest of all angels), they'd be having all sorts of "amazing experiences" as well.
A&BのO.M.と他のカルト(例えばアディ・ダ、オショー・ラジニーシ、サティヤ・サイのグループ、ペンテコステ派とカリスマ派のキリスト教、イスラム教スーフィズムの特定の種類、ニューエイジグループ等を含む名を挙げないインド外部のカルトサークル)を通じて得られる興味深い「体験」として -- これらの体験については余り印象的なものがありません。
I always like to distinguish between getting really CLEAR (on our True Nature as Pure, Open, non-objectifiable Awareness) and merely "getting high" (on euphoria, on dazzling experiences, energy-rushes, states of great peace-bliss, and so on). In other words, true spiritual aspirants make a priority out of relaxing the ego-knot and receding back into realization of Siva (Pure Empty-Open Awareness) and not indulging in Sakti's play, the play of energies and states of consciousness which are always "downstream" from Source-Awareness, which is always HERE and NOW as Our Absolutely True and Simple Spiritual Reality. To one who has fully surrendered his/her life to this Siva-Source, the various gifts, powers and states of Sakti will bow down in service. Moreover, such a true sage will never be a "taker," only a giver, one who gives freely without neediness.
言い換えれば、真の霊性志願者は自我 - 結び目をゆるめて、シヴァ(純粋な空 - 開いた認識)の現実化の背後に下がって、シャクティの遊戯に没頭しません。
In this context, Sally, i would also recommend (if you're so inclined) the presence of the "Hugging Mother" Amma Amritanandamayi (amma.org), the supreme "giver" of our day, who is always freely available to anyone. Her common teachings for the masses are more "dualistically" bhakti [devotion]-oriented, but Amma also communicates very powerful nondual advaita teachings as the heart-essence of her spiritual teaching. And she openly, ongoingly lives this nonduality in her always seeing and serving everyone as manifestations of the Divine equal to herself.
>However, I am still left wondering how both Kiara Windrider ('Deeksha - the Fire from Heaven') and Arjuna Ardagh ('Awakening into Oneness'), who both seem to be intelligent, sincere, spiritually experienced and credible people, could have been so deeply impressed by A & B and the whole Oneness organization, and how so many thousands of people could have been persuaded to part with so much money for the 21 and 10-day processes, and how the movement could have grown so quickly if its claims are so hollow, as they appear to be from the articles posted on your site from former long-time followers.
>しかし、私はキアラ・ウィンドリダー(『ディクシャ - 天からの炎』)とアルジュナ・アルダー(『ワンネスへの目覚め)がどうして未だに離れていないのかが不思議で仕方ありません。
Sally, the reasons for the large, rapid growth of O.M. are no doubt due to 1) the great spiritual hunger of lots of people for unusual experiences; 2) Kalki's silly but sizzling idea that enlightenment can be bought and obtained through "transmission" and "changing of the brain" via deeksha; and 3) the intensely apocalyptic idea of mass enlightenment by 2012 (many people's psyches are drawn to this fascinatingly attractive but unproven and actually quite implausible idea of collective enlightenment ushered in by an astrologically auspicious and momentous date on the calendar). Also: 4) in that quid pro quo arrangement i mentioned in [this] long webpage on Kalki and O.M., i made it clear that certain western teachers (Ardagh, Windrider, Robbins, et al.) are benefitting by their relationship with A&B, and vice versa: the support of each party can be used for publicity purposes of mutually "legitimizing" the other party. In other words, A&B are legitimized by the attention of these western teachers and their followers/readers, and these western teachers and followers are legitimized by the "blessing" of A&B. But i find the entire Oneness movement to be illegitimate because of its fraudulent, exploitative dynamics!
Sally, you wrote:
>Also, Arjuna Ardagh states that he never witnessed any evidence of opulent living by A & B and the dasas, so what would be the point of having such an efficient money-making machine if its fruits aren't being enjoyed?
Well, that Oneness Temple (to which most of the funds have been going over the last several years) is rather opulently luxurious and extravagant, isn't it? I'm sure that A&B and the remaining dasas (most have left A&B) very much enjoy looking out from all those marble terraces of the Temple onto the crowds of deeksha-seekers below. My bet is that the opulent living by A&B will increase over time, and will take subtler forms than, say, Rajneesh's ostentatious fleet of 75 Rolls Royce automobiles. Apparently, according to at least one lawsuit in the courts, lots of monies are being siphoned off to enrich the family of A&B. See items #9 and #10 at [this] webpage on Kalki--"Brief report from a devotee of Ramana Maharshi writing from India on the government investigations of the Kalki cult" and also "Madras High Court orders investigation of Kalki cult." In the former it is alleged that Kalki's son Krishna has 33 cars (at last count). That's rather "opulent," no?
カルキの[この]ウェブページのアイテム♯9と♯10を参照して下さい -「インド政府によるカルキカルトの調査についてラマナマハリシ帰依者からの要約した報告(インドで書かれた)」、それと「マドラス高等裁判所がカルキカルトの調査を命じる。」
>Part of my motivation is to get enough clarity to be able to really let go of this thing and not have any lingering doubts. [...] Although I am disappointed, I don't feel crushed by the revelations about A & B because I know that authentic teachers and paths do exist, even if they are not so easy to find. I feel that 'I Am That' [the book of conversations with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj] has given me enough to go on with for the rest of my life and that if I could just apply myself earnestly to only that, it would be enough.
『アイ アム ザット』が私の残りの人生に必要なものを与えてくれたと感じます。
Yes, Sally, as Sri Nisargadatta, Sri Ramana Maharshi and other true sages would say, the best form of Satsang is abiding as the Atma God-Self, the Self of all selves, and spontaneously serving every self as none other than One Self!
Wishing you everything wonderful, O Atma-manifesting-as-Sally! And i do hope and pray that your finances and health improve!
* * *
[ * サリーからの短い返信が続きます ]
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