カルキのディクシャ  WHO IS THAT?
インド聖者カルキバガヴァンとワンネスムーヴメント。 その知られざる実態に迫る。 ワンネス劇場の舞台裏で何が起こっていたのか!? その他、悟り系の情報を紹介。玉石混交のスピリチュアル、玉にみせかけた石にはご用心。

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August 2007
Attention: The following information may be considered by some to be extremely controversial! 
Hello Dear Friends, I’m writing this in response to the many requests I’ve received for guidance regarding the organization calling itself “Oneness University.” 
Since so many people are now asking me whether there is a connection between my own work, as the messenger of the teachings of “Oneness”, and the group who are liberally dispensing “deeksha” and “Oneness Blessings” ...which is headquartered in India ...I’ve been guided to come forth with this information. Let me state, right up front that I am in no way associated with these people. The book, Oneness, which I transcribed (ISBN# 0-9659003-1-2 Earthstar Press), does not in any way reflect the teachings, the energies, or the spiritual/political influences of those representing themselves as “Oneness University.” 
私が書いた本「ワンネス」(ISBN# 0-9659003-1-2 Earthstar Press)は、「ワンネス・ユニヴァーシティ」として彼ら自身を表すものの精神的/政治的、あるいはエネルギー、教えの影響はどんな形であれありません。

The Source of my own work is Oneness, the Divinity we all share. The teachings I received and transcribed were provided to empower each of us to make the transition between intellectual belief and the actual experience of a Divine connection ...in an intensely personal way ...each of us within the sanctity of our own inner being. The “Oneness University” phenomenon appears to be quite another matter. 

My first-hand observations, while living in India, of many who had just completed the increasingly popular, $5,500/21 day program under the auspices of “Oneness University” and their founders, Bhagavan (a.k.a. Kalki Avatar) and Amma, were puzzling and led me to do some investigating of my own. The town in South India where I’ve been living for several years is just a few hours drive from the “Oneness University” headquarters, and is a frequent next-stop on the itinerary of spiritual seekers from the West. What I saw and heard, in speaking with a growing number of these people over the course of more than a year, was disturbing. 


Many of them were wandering around, completely disoriented. Some of them had become physically ill almost immediately after leaving the 21 day course. And virtually all of them reported that the circumstances of their lives had begun to deteriorate dramatically. Instinctively, based on the intense training I’d had through my journey with Oneness, I recognized the signs of energy depletion. 



And, in trying to piece together the signs and symptoms of a phenomenon that simply didn’t add up, I suddenly found myself steeped in a crash course in the science of energy manifestation and the inner workings of “guru-dom.” What I learned was absolutely fascinating. The first question that sprang to mind was, “where does this energy actually come from?”And that question opened the door to a vast science, underlying the phenomenon of the transmission of energy ...often in the guise of a Divine connection. 


I came to understand that most “gurus”, whether legitimate or not, come to work with a Tantric practitioner, in the course of their preparation to hold extremely high levels of energy and transmit it to others. In India, this is virtually standard-procedure and an important stop along the way on the inner path to becoming “a guru.” 

In India, the sacred science of Tantra is an ancient spiritual art, focused in the manifestation of energy and the altering of material circumstances, through highly exacting rituals and vibrational formulas. In its purest form, White Tantra, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the X-rated reputation the word “tantra” has garnered in the West. 

The work with a White Tantric practitioner serves to fortify the energy field of the would-be “guru” and helps to turn him/her into a virtual force-field, through which the transmission of “shaktipat” or “deeksha” may then be possible. 

These Divinely-focused and incredibly dedicated Tantrics, taught in the ancient oral tradition by their fathers and grandfathers over thousands of years, are amongst the true angels of this world. Unbeknownst to most of us, they are tucked-away in India, performing their timeless rituals ...and secretly “making-miracles” for us all ...and for the planet we share ...during these challenging times. 
神聖な方法に集中し、何千年にも渡って彼らの父親、祖父から古代の口伝で教えられた非常に献身的なタントリックは、この世界の真の天使です。 私たちのほとんどに知られていないことですが、インドでは、身を隠した彼らが時代を超越した儀式を行っています・・・このような厳しい時代、我々の共有する惑星のために、私たちすべてのために密かに「奇跡を行っています」

When the services of a White Tantric practitioner cannot be obtained, or in cases of calculated, money-minded empire-building, the aspiring “guru” will often turn to Black Tantric practitioners, (the Indian equivalent of black-magic) who are hired to work behind-the-scenes to supply the energy that fuels the organization ...for vast sums of money. 

When the exorbitant fees of these Black Tantrics start to escalate over time and cannot be paid as demanded, the project often begins to veer out of control. Where one might naturally assume that an absolute fortune must be sitting in the “guru’s” coffers with which to complete building projects and other un-met commitments, in fact, the cupboards are bare. The situation becomes desperate. And suddenly, many of the goings-on surrounding the “guru” become puzzling and don’t add up. According to the information I received, this could well explain the phenomena I’d observed and the other reports from South India that just didn’t make sense. 

At the same time, you might ask yourself “what’s the harm in it, as far as I’m concerned? Energy is being transmitted through “deeksha.” That has to be good. Right?” This question opened up an entirely different avenue of exploration. And the information I uncovered in delving into it, proved to be equally fascinating.

When a “guru” establishes a connection with a spiritual aspirant, through the imparting of energy ...often accompanied by a secret mantra ...a spiritual cord is established through which, in theory, the “guru” can continue to feed the student with energy. This is part of the timeless tradition of “guru” and disciple. And when practiced with integrity, it can supply the aspiring student with an abundant energy-boost that can greatly accelerate the process of spiritual transformation. It is for this reason that so many feel guided to seek to affiliate with an Indian “guru”, to receive “deeksha” or “shaktipat”, or simply to be in the physical presence of such a one, whose vibration is extremely high. 

What we often don’t suspect, is that the spiritual cord which the “guru” establishes with his student through these practices, is able to carry energy both ways. When the “guru” has dubious connections himself, or has motives that are rooted in ego and spiritual empire-building, the cord can be used to direct the energy-flow the other way and literally “vacuum-out” the unsuspecting student, vibrationally. This could explain why, after being in the presence of certain “gurus”, what may have started-out feeling quite nice, suddenly doesn’t feel good at all. 


Initially, in these unscrupulous practices, the student is given a little dose of energy. At first. In this way, any doubts or concerns one may have had are soothed. And we become open ...and trusting. It is only later that the tap is re-directed, and the energy begins to flow the other way ...from the student to the “guru.” 
これらの悪辣な実行において、初めに生徒は少しだけエネルギーを与えられます。最初のうちは、このやり方で疑うもの、心配するものをなだめることが必要かもしれません。そして私達は心を開き、信頼するようになります。後になって、エネルギーは方向転換されて別方向に流れ始めます ・・・生徒から「グル」へ。 

In cases where the integrity of the “guru” and his organization is further compromised by an affiliation with a Black Tantric practitioner, the unsuspecting student’s energy is actually sucked through the “guru” and filtered directly to feed the Black Tantric individuals who stand behind the entire “spiritual” super-structure. 

In cases where certain individuals have received an initiation and are declared to be qualified to be giving so-called “deeksha” energy to others, a spiritual cord has been well established within them, to the extent that they would be able to function as mediums for the guru. 

And through these people, the energy of others can be drained. In this way, the insidious practice of energy piracy can be practiced clandestinely by certain so-called Indian “gurus”, while couched in lovely, believable-sounding spiritual jargon calculated to ensnare the hearts ...and wallets ...of sincere and financially affluent seekers in the West. 


It turns out that this is a practice that is actually quite widespread in India ...and elsewhere. And according to the information I uncovered, this could well explain the mysterious symptoms so many have been reporting. Who would ever have suspected it? 

これがインド(およびその他)において実際に、かなり広範囲に渡って行われていることが分かります。 また、私が明らかにした情報により、非常に多くの報告されている不可解な徴候について説明することができます。

So, what is the message to all of us, in revealing this perhaps astounding information? I would say to you that the lesson here is discernment. 
では、この衝撃的であろう情報を明らかにする際の私たちのすべてへのメッセージは何でしょう? 私は、ここでのレッスンは識別であると言いましょう。 

As western spiritual seekers, we are often naive and trusting where “gurus” ...and where anyone sporting a little amped-up energy ...is concerned. We are often far too quick to give our power away and serve ourselves up on a platter, which we then place at the feet of someone whose affiliations may be questionable. 


The opportunity in these times of mass spiritual awakening and inner re-directedness, is to become spiritually “street smart.”Everything coming down the spiritual pike is not necessarily Divinely-inspired. There are all sorts of scams, fronted by individuals who are parading around as “Divinity incarnate”, in these times.  




It is for those of us who are sincerely God-focused, to be extremely careful in selecting those who will help us on our own personalized path to the Divine inner-connection I’ve come to know as “Oneness.” The message I documented in the name of that Source is a message of Self-empowerment. The teachings of Oneness guide us in sourcing the experience of the Divinity harbored within our own inner depths, without getting ensnared in the trappings of a spiritual hierarchy or a religious organization. Should we feel that the guidance of an incarnate teacher is desired, Oneness helps us to take care in selecting him or her. The message in bringing the foregoing information to light is to encourage each of us to do our homework. 

私が文書化したこのメッセージは、源の名の下に書かれたセルフ・エンパワーメント(主体性の確立)のメッセージです。 ワンネスの教え(本来の教え)は霊的階層や宗教団体の装飾で罠にかけることなく、私たち自身の内奥に抱く神性を経験する源泉に私たちを導きます。

Resources abound in these times that support us in investigating thoroughly those whom we may be considering as candidates for guiding us into the sacred ground that awaits us within. The internet is brimming with firsthand stories of those who have blazed the trail before us with virtually any “guru” you may be considering. Google them ...freely! You may find that by adding a word like “scam” to names you might wish to investigate, the Google results become particularly eye-opening. 

I have hesitated a thousand times before choosing to come forth with the results of my own investigation into the dynamics of “guru-dom.” Some may wonder if I have personal motives for doing so. I can tell you, in all honesty, that I do not. My only hope, in presenting this information to you, is to spur you on to investigate for yourself, and to draw your own conclusions. 


The book entitled “Oneness”, which I transcribed, is not associated in any way with any other teacher, guru, or organization that may also be using the name “Oneness.” I have, thankfully, never received “deeksha” or a so-called “Oneness Blessing” from anyone affiliated with the “Oneness University” people in India. 

I realize that I have stepped way out on a limb in sharing this information with you. And I have done so because I felt deep in my heart that, in light of what I discovered, it would be irresponsible of me not to share it. I wish each of you every joy and blessing on your personal journey to Oneness! 


Oneness The Movie スピリチュアル野郎によるラシャ著「ワンネス」の書評
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