カルキのディクシャ  WHO IS THAT?
インド聖者カルキバガヴァンとワンネスムーヴメント。 その知られざる実態に迫る。 ワンネス劇場の舞台裏で何が起こっていたのか!? その他、悟り系の情報を紹介。玉石混交のスピリチュアル、玉にみせかけた石にはご用心。

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AmmaBhagavan Grace


o all those who are concerned with the Oneness movement,
I, Giri Alias Anandagiri, given the position of an Acharya, have taught the public many things, but I have failed in teaching people to think independently and read in between lines and understand the behind -scene activities of the ‘Oneness Cult”.
I am inspired by Samadarshini’s bold step of writing personal mail to people and feel the need to write my version of the current events at the Oneness movement to support the truth.
Through this e-mail I am attempting to cover the points which Samadarshini might have not covered so that no matter Sri Bhagavan or Krishnaji posts fake ‘important messages’ on their web-site (onenessindia.org) or other sites with Samadarshini/any of our names on it, people will have the opportunity to take a stand based on truth.
My intention is not to attack Sri Bhagavan or contradict anybody but there is a gnawing urge in me to let people know the truth behind the events happening at the Oneness movement – When I mention people, it includes the dasas as well. The whole thing has left me very disturbed and I want to clear it out before it’s too late, not that it is not late now but before I get too tired and lose control of it all. Iam prepared to face any condemnation for having been tight lipped all these years.
In my conferences and even before, when people questioned me “who is god for you?” I have replied to them without blinking my eyes with one word – “Sri Bhagavan”. Probably it’s time for public to know how Mr. Vijay Kumar/Sri Bhagavan became God. How did an ordinary school authority become god in millions of hearts including mine? How are people coming into his mesmerism? How did honey pour out of the photograph? How did people become fanatically passionate after his form? How did he eat from their offerings in the name of a personal god which blindly motivated people into giving gold, property and Money which they might have not given their own children?


As my memory goes down the time line, I remember in the year 1989, Mr. Vijay Kumar had visited some place in TamilNadu and they returned to the campus after 90 days. Since then, he was engaged in rituals in the midnight which surprised many in the ashram as Vijay Kumar had always condemned rituals. He often moved objects, created fire or even made children unconscious. Many villagers had strange experiences when they stepped into the campus but all this information was labeled as “Divine Experiences” to the public in the book – ‘Awakening into Oneness’. What was then practiced, which I came to understand later after learning to look at things with a critical eye, was that it was black magic.

キャンパスに足を踏み入れた村民は奇怪な体験をする者が大勢いました。しかし、この情報はすべて、「神聖な体験」として出版された本「Awakening into Oneness」の中に描かれました。後になって、私に観察眼が備わるようになってから理解したのは、それは黒魔術だったということでした。
本物のグル「霊的な邪気の掃除人」は単純一貫して、「内側」の現実に求道者が向くように指し示します。 本当に人の助けになるグルや友人は上辺だけの「恩寵の追求」、大げさな世界救済計画、「エネルギー体験」、この世のいかなる高次(低次)現象(天、地など)に1つも誘惑する必要がありません。



As long as he practiced black magic he sported a long beard and asked his disciples to do so. Later when his efforts were strongly armoured, he changed his looks to that of king Aurelius in the movie Gladiator. He was now appealing to the westerners.


Slowly when he introduced his photo as ‘Srimurthi to public he desired that public should not place him with others gods. Why? Nobody knew. He slowly focused on getting people to place only his picture at home telling them that they cannot concentrate and pray otherwise. The reason was that his photo was charged with negative energies. There are incidences when devotees were instructed to keep his photograph to south west (point of low energy) corner of the house. That is the exact corner suitable for black magic energies to operate. The participants of the courses were given the sadhanas of locking their eyes with his eyes in the photograph to receive grace – in reality a medium to operate his black magic power upon the devotee and hence countless devotees were mesmerized in various processes and were trapped into it. When intellectuals attacked, he ingeniously instructed that people must be made to focus not just on the eyes but the entire body.


Whenever a physical miracle occurred in a house, we have observed for years that after the ‘miracle” that particular family went through severe crisis and heavy loss in terms of health, prosperity and esteem in the society. When such families complained about the strange happenings and when the dasas reported it to Vijay Kumar, they were constantly suppressed and distracted with theories of “Karma” and “Divine will”. However to set right the bad effects he made his dasas perform havans or homas in the name of vishwa shanti which was actually papa parihara. Any body familiar with Hindu custom would know that the coconut which is used for invocation of the deity in Kalashapuja should be immersed in a well or other water bodies. Only black magicians advocate that the coconuts should be broken and used! In fact many a times it was these coconuts that were used in cooking of food for various participants of the courses! What one gets to witness is that, the more somebody involved or served the movement the more suffering they got into over the years. Perhaps people outside are possibly living a much happier lives than the oneness followers who are waiting to be unconditionally joyous in 2012.




The loss of lives that happened during the Oneness Temple inauguration as I see it -could be the repercussions of the black-magic performed all these years to brain wash people with help of photographs which he had touched during the personal darshans in the name of blessings and healing. His black magic resulted in human sacrifice. That day is etched in my conscience and I know that no process can set me free. The failure of the temple was in fact the victory of God, because ever since the temple inauguration- a series of events has let to the down fall of the Vijay Kumar Empire.
Since I am not a good writer as Samadarshini or any of her assistance who helped her draft her e-mail, I prefer to write my version in points. (All my sessions and talks were by Samadarshini and I prepared for the conference using her notes all along.) But now I do not trust anybody to assist me in drafting this letter.
My points of contemplation are – Bhagavan/Vijay Kumar has always had his way by giving public metaphysical answers – including the latest answer in a “Skype darshans” for Russians where he says that probably his family has taken humanity’s karma by setting right relationships that has affected his family like sage Ramana Maharishi was affected by cancer. Why is that people are always kept in “Charismatic – spiritual darkness”? When he is practical about collecting courses fees then why is his answers metaphysical?


I have known Sri Bhagavan very closely – I see that the movement’s growth vastly depends on Bhagavan emphasizing important upon people/members who are weak minded and incapable of independent thinking. By giving position/recognition to these people he has always exercised his control on the structure and functioning of the Oneness movement. He creates a craving for position in the minds of the Oneness followers hence corrupting them of all moral values. He did this earlier with dasas by creating politics between the university guides and the Nemam guides and now he does it with the public by stating that trainers can initiate others as deeksha givers. What public fail to see is that the threads of every decision lies with the founders and their family and that the Achrayas (to some extent), the dasas and the volunteers are merely puppets. His policy has been “Divide and Rule”. Anyone who is deeply associated with oneness would be familiar with the sacred ‘Mahavakyas” In these statements Mr. Vijay Kumar clearly states that his mission will be fulfilled by the Achrayas and spread by the dasas and that it is a blessing to become a monk in his order. The seed of hierarchy was sown by Bhagavan himself, but today he claims that, from the beginning he did not want any structure/mediators/messengers and that he was not allowed to interact with public directly. Are the Mahavakyas untrue?




I remember very clearly of the arguments that Mr. Vijay Kumar and his wife would often get into regarding his stand as “God”. Mrs. Padmini Vijay Kumar used to always ask him to take the stand of a Guru; otherwise it would affect their personal lives in the future. Since the competition amongst gurus was quite intense at that time in the spiritual market, he preferred to take a stand as a “living God” to public. This proves beyond doubts that he has no regards towards Hinduism what so ever, but his Hindu god image left him with public fearing to question his activities.



Though Oneness Spread like rapid fire breaking the records set by any spiritual organization, no promise made by the visionaries is fulfilled. 1999 – Enlightenment did not happen. 2003 nothing happened, 2006 – 2007 people attending courses were supposed to be enlightened with parietal and frontal lobes of the participants calibrating between 25 – 30! Bhagavan promised of creating 1000 Christ, 1000 Tirupati Balaji. Even promised of giving Balaji VRS with oneness temple opening. 1000 mirabhai’s but ended up creating bitter politics and a broken army. 



外国人向けのプログラム(21日間5,500ドル)では何人か悟った人々が出たように思えるが(例えばフレディー・ニールセンとキアラ・ウィンドリダー - 私達は彼らが悟ったと聞いていました。しかし、フレディーと少なくとも数人の他の著名な西洋人が、ワンネスムーヴメントを去っていて、ワンネスにおいて真の悟りは起こらないと主張している)、とにかくインドでの信者の霊的成長の試みさえありません。それは素晴らしい「崇高な」奇跡について語るだけです。そして、悟りは常に次の角を曲がった所にあります。 次のダルシャンの後(そして、寄付)。

The movement has always carried a strange Patten – “Use and Throw”. The strong coordinators are pampered and used to maximum and thrown away with out explanation. It has been so ever since the movement began. He used Mr. Shankar and threw him away, Then it was his 3 Achrayas Deepti (After training the first batch of monks), Kavitha (when she retaliated the abuse of drugs) Vinay (disagreed that Bhagavan was god!), later it was Freddy, then Raniji then Arjuna Ardagh (Samadarshini was instructed not pick up his phone after the book “Awakening into Oneness” was completed. Then one celebrity after the other and now his own dasas! 

このムーヴメントはいつもおかしなパターンを繰り返してきました -「使い捨て」。力のあるコーディネーターは甘やかされ、散々こき使われてから、説明もなしに放り捨てられます。ムーヴメントが始まって以来ずっとそうです。

彼はシャンカール氏をこき使って放り捨てました。次に3人のアチャリヤ 、ディープティ(初期の修道僧の集団を訓練した後)、カヴィータ(彼女はドラッグの不正使用に反対した)、ビナイ(バガヴァンが神であるということに異議を唱えた!)を捨てました。その後、フレディー、それからラニジ、それからアルジュナ・アルダー(サマダシニは、「Awakening into Oneness(本)」が完成した後、彼からの電話に出ないように指示した)その後、他の有名人、そして今、彼自身のダーサ達!


The Oneness Temple inauguration was a total failure. May be Bhagavan himself intended it to be so! Other wise I do not understand as to why Krishnaji, who has no experience in public relations, who reads out from paper while addressing people in his talk was given the responsibility all of a sudden with regards to organization of the event when his dasas and their team of people in the local body could have definitely done a better job with years of experience. It can only be concluded that his hidden motive behind was to retain the Oneness Temple as a private property than involving public and letting it become a communal property.


Every seeker surely remembers Bhagavan proclaiming that, “the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, the unintelligent shall become intelligent, the ordinary shall become mystics who can see their personal god on the golden thrown and they can meet their ancestors. Their chakras would be activated systematically on every floor! Anybody who goes up to the meditation hall of the oneness temple will not return the same!” If the visionaries were so focused on the 2012 and if Oneness stands as a testimony for that noble vision, why are the promises made regarding the Oneness Temple gone with the wind?



Even today when I remember all the contribution that followers from both east and west have made to this temple in the name of Oneness, It fills my heart with enormous pain as I walk across the marble structure. Krishnaji could afford a house worth 10 crores and import furniture and interiors worth another 10 crores from Singapore in cargos at Annanagar, Chennai. He owns more than 300 flats in various cities. Now with 10 acres of land in Mahabalipuram beech, His next project in real-estate was Vaikunt. Why not? By all means! He geared to invest into this in the name 64,000 people – community of the enlightenment. The land was available anywhere between 25 lakhs to 2 crores! For this Indian volunteers had to bring 11 people for Vijay Kumar’s classes on twelve secrets (incomplete). Where is Vaikunt?



Bhagavan recently shared in his conference that in 2012, the phenomenon is a natural happening and that anybody can use that energy, probably all this drama that he and his son are playing could be to make more money during the year 2012 by attracting western tourists into the campus. Bhagavan who claims to retain Hinduism, why is he transferring all the Indian currency to some other country and investing it there? Why were the western seekers who wanted to participate in the courses asked to draft their DD to the accounts in Singapore or Hong Kong when the money was supposed to be used for Oneness Temple construction in India? 



Krishnaji , who is a total failure ever since his childhood with a solid track record of series of failures – failed in his graduation, failed in real estate business, failed in setting-up kosmic music studio, failed in the production of 2 English movies and 2 Tamil movies – I have never met a man with such an iron-leg! Childhood poverty is written in his walking. Now he claims to take over the Oneness courses (As mentioned in YouTube) – God save us all! A man who changes his car every year, how can he run a separate organization steadily?


今、彼はワンネスコースを引き継ぐことを主張しています(ユーチューブの中で言及したように)- 神よ、我等を救いたまえ!毎年、自動車を買い替える男、どうしたら彼が分割した組織を切り盛りすることができるというのでしょう?

The conflicts in the movement seems a well knit plan according to me because it looks like Bhagavan Himself summoned Krishnaji to pretend as a rescuer to Samadarshini who of late gathered courage to threaten Bhagavan of going home. May be once the contracts in the west expire, Krishnaji may as well abandon her and her team, meanwhile the public are of course aware of Bhagawan’s propaganda that Achrayas have left. It has successfully created contempt in the hearts of many devotees already in India. The father and the son are masters in the art of fooling people from the beginning!



If Bhagavan is genuine in stating that a split has occurred and that Krishnaji has started a new wing, then why are the DD’s for the “Skype Darshans” still in the name of “Golden Shelters Pvt. Ltd for which Krishnaji is the owner? If Krishnaji has not misused the money from the spiritual work, then why is he often visiting so many foreign countries? Krishna is quite popular amongst Anti-social elements (association with Amanullah Khan). His friend Badri and his relative was recently involved in stealing an idol of lord Puri Jagannath which was melted and made into gold biscuits which Krishna and Badri (Krishna’s secretary) shared amongst themselves. The gold approximated weighed 18kgs. Is he involved in any anti-national activities? I hope the Indian government and the CBI probe into the details and may god truly give me an opportunity to set things right.



By making a statement to public that there will be no successor after Amma and Bhagavan pass away, Sri Bhagavan is only trying to write all the property in his grand daughter’s name and fearing that he might be questioned by the senior guides or other dasas he is attacking them in public. Neither Christ nor St.fransisco of Assisi tried to live anonymous lives. They were identified with their vision for mankind till their last breath but it leaves us a bit suspicious and confused when Bhagavan talks about living anonymous lives in 2014!


Even after experiencing so much of conflict in the movement the parents of these dasas refused to take back their children, even when Vijay Kumar has disowned them. Many do not mind sending their children with Krishna as long as luxuries of foreign countries are provided to them.


On the one hand, quick results, instant transformations replete with spiritual experiences, revelations of past lives and so on are promised. Furthermore, there are many opportunities to participate and contribute to a highly organized, rapidly expanding, worldwide movement, a feature which would appeal to those who have an active and energetic temperament. It also draws those who are desperate to find solutions to intractable problems, whether personal or professional. One's deep need to believe in a living God and to derive security from his presence is also fulfilled. 


I do not know how much things could change for the better after this mail, but as Lord Krishna said “Do your action without expectation” I am trying to voice out to provoke the public so that they question the latest moves made by Bhagavan. Public need not be confused about these shifts because as Samadarshini wrote in her mail, everything that is happening is pre-planned (divine plan!) by Vijay Kumar and his son to distract public and CBI enquiry.


One last thing, it is true that I have carried drugs and supplied to the campus. I did it for my own survival and feared being drugged if I did not yield. What ever I have done so far to my fellow dasas, members or to the public was only for my survival and to protect my image as there was no option of looking back. I feel sucked into this whirlpool.


By the time this mail reaches you – all the money would have been transferred. The properties in various cities would be instructed by the local dasas to be sold. The 25 dasas in the illusion of creating a new organization would have packed off to Italy (land of Christianity) trusting Krishnaji – The iron legged man, only to be abandoned later! 

このメールがあなたに届くまでに、すべての金銭は移送されていることでしょう。様々な都市にある資産は、地元に滞在するダーサに売るように命じるでしょう。新しい組織を作ることを妄想している25人の ダーサは、クリシュナジ(冷酷な支配者)を信用しているイタリア(キリスト教の国)へ飛ばされているでしょう。後になって捨てられるだけ!


In the name of bringing Golden Age to India and in creating a New India, Sri Bhagavan has destroyed the Hindu Dharma and brought shame to this sacred land.


Humble prostrations at the lotus feet of Lord Tirumala.

Posted by sri lakshmi at 3:35 AM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2009


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