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■Being Present, Dropping Suffering
Another popular teaching, ‘being present,’ is unskillful because it does not take the vasanas into account. It is the vasanas that keep the mind worrying about the future and obsessing about the past. 


Desire needs to be addressed, not repressed, with the technique of ‘being present.’ The absurdity of such a teaching is evident when we look at it from the Self’s point of view too. When are you not present? 


For you to know that you are not present, you would have to be present. If you were absent, how would you know? The karma yoga view is a simple and obvious solution to this problem, but Neo-Advaita has not discovered it, even though it is as old as the hills.

「あなたは今に存在しない、あなたは今に在る必要がある」ということをあなたが知ったとしても、あなたが不在であるならば、どうやってあなたが知るのでしょうか? カルマ・ヨーガの観点は、この問題の単純で明白な解決策です。しかし、たとえそれがきわめて古くても、ネオ・アドヴァイタはそれをわかっていません。

A further teaching, an injunction actually, informs the non-existent seeker to ‘drop’ his or her suffering. How a non-existent ego would drop non-existent suffering is beyond comprehension, but let us assume that there is an ego and that suffering is undesirable. 

Suffering is a powerful tendency brought on by ignorance of nature of the Self. It is subtler than the ego and not under its control. It can be removed by inquiry, but it cannot be dropped at will like a hot potato.


Another glaring contradiction found in Neo-Advaita is the claim by the teachers that their statements stem from their own experience. It seems almost gratuitous to point out that from the Self’s point of view, which seems to be the only point of view, Neo-Advaita espouses there is no experiencer either. 


It is not the intention of the author to question the enlightenment or lack thereof of any Neo-Advaita teacher, although it is always wise for seekers to do so. It is my intention, however, to point out that enlightenment does not in any way qualify one to teach enlightenment. Furthermore, satsang, as it is conceived by Neo-Advaita, is completely insufficient as a means of Self realization.


To avoid the sticky question of a teaching and a teaching methodology and its abysmal ignorance of the tradition of Self Inquiry, Neo-Advaita uses the argument that their titular inspiration, Ramana Maharshi, gained enlightenment without a teaching and a teacher. 

Aside from the fact that it is, in very rare cases, possible to realize the Self without help, the odds are about the same as winning the lottery, perhaps less. 


Additionally, this idea does not take into account Ramana’s extreme dispassion and the fact that after his enlightenment he became a dedicated student of the science of Self Inquiry and actually wrote a scripture, The Essence of the Teaching [Upadesha Saram], that has been accepted by the traditional Vedanta community as having the status of an Upanishad.

さらに、この考えはラマナの極端な公平無私と、彼が悟りの後で自己調査の科学の熱心な研究者になり、聖典[Upadesha Saram] を記した事実を考慮に入れていません(それはウパニシャッドの格を持っているとして伝統ヴェーダンタ・コミュニティーによって認められました)。

■No Teacher, Seeker, Path, Knowledge or Ignorance
If reality is nondual and a special experience of Consciousness or a dead mind is not enlightenment, only Self knowledge could be enlightenment. But Neo-Advaita does not accept the view that ignorance, which shows up as a lack of discrimination, is the problem, because it says that ignorance does not exist. This is a convenient teaching that plays to the strong anti-intellectual bias of modern seekers.


It is true that it does not exist from the Self’s point of view, but a seeker does not know that he or she is the Self or he or she would not be seeking, so this teaching is not a teaching at all. 


It leaves the seeker with no avenue to actualize the desire for freedom that attracts him or her to the idea of enlightenment and is tailor made to produce frustration. That enlightenment is a blank mind or the absence of ego is an equally ill-considered notion that inevitably produces suffering, when it is pursued. 

Both of these ideas are the result of level confusion, assigning the same degree of reality to pure Consciousness and reflected Consciousness—the experiential world. Of course, if there is no knowledge and no ignorance, there is no seeker either. And if there is no seeker, there necessarily cannot be a path. 
もちろん、知識も無知もないならば、探求者もいません。 探求者がいないならば、道が在る必要もありません。

How Neo-Advaita squares this idea with its very existence is difficult to determine. If there is no knowledge and no ignorance, there is no teacher to pass on the knowledge that there is no path, seeker, knowledge, ignorance, no doer, etc.


This is not to say that negation is not useful. Traditional Self Inquiry employs negation liberally. But it is half the loaf. The other half is the teachings that reveal the Self, using the positive methods described throughout this book. The Self is not a big empty void. 

これは否定が役立たないと言うことではありません。 伝統の自己調査は否定をふんだんに使用します。 しかし、それは塊の半分です。 もう半分は、この本の全体にわたって記述された肯定的な方法を使用して自己を明らかにする教えです。 自己は大きな空っぽの空間ではありません。 

Because Neo-Advaita is a nihilistic denial of the obvious, it has no methodology apart from its mindless negations.


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