カルキのディクシャ  WHO IS THAT?
インド聖者カルキバガヴァンとワンネスムーヴメント。 その知られざる実態に迫る。 ワンネス劇場の舞台裏で何が起こっていたのか!? その他、悟り系の情報を紹介。玉石混交のスピリチュアル、玉にみせかけた石にはご用心。

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Presented below at the rest of this webpage are accounts on this Kalki Deeksha Oneness cult from various sources:


1. R.P. Sivam's biographic notes on Vijaykumar (aka Kalki Bhagavan) and first disciple Dr. Shankar


2. An Indian Rationalist's critique of Kalki Bhagavan & his cult


3. An uncritical, brief Wikipedia entry on Kalki Bhagavan


4. Excerpts from the 1997 Life Positive magazine article on the Kalki cult


5. Brief blurb from What Is Enlightenment? magazine: "Can 64,000 People Get Enlightened by 2012?"


6. Letter about economic entrapment from a former Indian member of Kalki's cult, posted on Sarlo’s "Guru Ratings" website


7. Primary missionary Freddy Nielsen's scathing revelations


8. Christian Opitz's revelations of Kalki's drugging of certain O.M. course participants in 2004


9. Brief report from a devotee of Ramana Maharshi in India on govt investigations of the Kalki movement.


10. News item: Madras High Court orders investigation of Kalki cult


11. Report from Tobi, a former prominent Deeksha-giver in Sweden, on how one gets sucked into the cult


12. Doomsday threats by Kalki Bhagavan so as to gain recruits


13. Bhagavan says he is not getting enough of mankind's support


14. Another Swedish Deeksha-giver's letter of resignation


15. My response to questions from a former Oneness Movement member ("Sally")


16. List of relevant Websites


Especially valuable are #1, the biographical account of Vijaykumar's early history by Mr. R.P. Sivam, someone who well knew the ambitious Vijaykumar (VK) before he became the self-exalting Kalki Bhagavan; #7, a long, scathing report from 2007 by young Freddy Nielsen, VK/Kalki's chief world emissary from 1993 to 2006 (scroll approximately halfway down this long webpage to find this important F. Nielsen article); and #8, a damning report from late 2007 by Christian Opitz, whose initial neuroscience reports for the Oneness Movement appeared to legitimize it, but who was then shocked to find that many of the "dazzling enlightenment states" experienced by many people were most likely the result of these people being criminally drugged with a narcotic by Kalki Bhagavan without their consent and presumably against their will if they were to know what he was doing to them.


♯7: 2007年のフレディー・ニールセン(1993~2006年までVK/カルキの主要な世界使者)による痛烈な長文レポート、(この重要なF.ニールセンの記事を見るには、この長いウェブページを半分ほど下方にスクロールして下さい)。



Other important critical testimony (e.g., items #6 and #11) comes from people reporting on the massive amount of exploitative financial gouging and manipulation committed by Bhagavan and his wife and business partner Amma. This wouldn't be so bad if it was solely targeting rich Westerners on the seeker's circuit who should know better than try to "buy their way to enlightenment." But, alas, this ongoing economic exploitation has sucked in and financially destroyed tens of thousands of poor Indians, most of whom are now evidently condemned to debt-slavery for much or all of their lives as a result of the voracious greed of the selfishly ambitious "B&A" or "A&B" as the couple are often called.




There's no need for me to do any further editorializing on the Oneness Movement and its founders. The sources presented below more than adequately report the greed, delusion, dishonesty and manipulations perpetrated by the conniving "Bhagavan and Amma." Moreover, readers of my other webpages here at Enlightened-Spirituality.org (which feature several critiques of other spiritual con-men along with dozens of appreciative essays on the lives and teachings of our truly great and eminent spiritual leaders, as well as informative essays on aspects of genuine spirituality) will clearly know why I consider the Oneness Movement to be in several important ways a very dysfunctional cult, not a healthy, empowering, "functional cult."




And so, without further ado, let us start by presenting some useful history on Vijaykumar Naidu, later to style himself as the Divine messiah "Kalki," then "Bhagavan." The following eyewitness report was written by Mr. R.P. Sivam, someone who knew VK/Bhagavan Kalki and his wife from the early days and who wants the world to know more about this spiritual pretender and presumed Messiah before he acquires any more social power.



初期から VK/バガヴァンカルキと彼の妻を知っていて、世界がこの霊的偽者(社会的な権力を手に入れる前に先立って救世主を気取った)についての詳細を知ることを望む人です。

In the following report and other subsequent reports i've reproduced, I have made occasional corrections of spelling, punctuation and (less often) also grammar, for the sake of readability. I have also boldfaced certain passages for emphasis.





Enlightened - Spirituality.org

Severe Problems with "Bhagavan Kalki's" Deeksha Oneness Movement


Compiled by Timothy Conway, Ph.D., April 2008 (with a brief update in June 2010)

ティモシー・コンウェイ博士による編集 2010年4月

One of the faster growing spiritual movements from the 1990s until recently is the so-called Kalki Deeksha movement, known since 2002 as the "Oneness Movement" (O.M.). Actually, as the evidence from quite disenchanted former higher-ups will show, this movement is a gigantic scam based on corrupt greed and empty promises by its heads, "Bhagavan and Amma," and tragic naivete and New Age superstition by too many (but certainly not all) of its followers.




It was founded in South India under another name in the late 1980s and then made public in early 1991 by one of the more clever hucksters in religious history, one Vijaykumar Naidu (b.1949). Possessing a certain mix of intrigue, chutzpah and perhaps some minor psychic powers, all of which gave him a mesmerizing power over some young people in a school he directed from 1984 onward, and spouting "final level" spiritual teachings gleaned from the wisdom of great advaita-nondual sages like Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj as well as J. Krishnamurti and UG Krishnamurti, Vijaykumar c.1989 grandiosely re-named himself "Kalki." Kalki is the traditionally prophesied coming Avatar or Divine Incarnation of Vishnu (the "Preserver-Sustainer" aspect of the Hindu triune Deity: Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva).







Within a short time, because of legal issues surrounding the name "Kalki," Vijaykumar re-titled himself "Bhagavan" to amplify his status as "the Lord God Incarnate," the one who is here (or so he claims) to grant mass enlightenment to all of humanity by year 2012 by first fully enlightening 64,000 people. How will he do this? Through his alleged capacity for shaktipat, Bestowal of Divine Power, and deeksha, Initiation or Blessing, "the transfer of Divine energy." In his penchant for pseudo-scientific jargon, Bhagavan Kalki calls enlightenment a "neurobiological brain-shift event" which happens as a result of this blessing or "transfer of Grace" from him, his wife, his close disciples, and anyone who is willing to pay the big bucks for a 21-day course and other costs to become a certified "deeksha-giver." For many years until recently, the cost for the basic course was $7,000, not counting certain other costs.








Update: I am informed by a Deeksha practitioner in late June 2010: "This year Bhagavan insists on not charging and is doing free webcasts on internet to supposedly speed up the process of awakening. He was planning on doing this in 2012, but is afraid his movement may be shut down in India and wants to do it now. He is training people in India from all over world "free," just charging for room and board $1500--which used to be $500. So I don't think it's really that free, but at least it's not that expensive [compared to certain other groups]."

更新情報: 2010年6月の後半にディクシャギヴァーから報告がありました:「今年、バガヴァンは料金を請求しないと主張し、おそらく悟りのプロセスの速度を上げるために、インターネット上で無料のウェブキャストをしています。





Kalki's former chief missionary to the West, Freddy Nielsen, now deeply regrets having lured tens of thousands of people in 15 countries into the Kalki Deeksha Oneness Movement. Nielsen reports: "[Kalki] said that he is the first full incarnation of God in more than 20,000 years, and if mankind will not cooperate with him, it cannot get enlightened and will therefore die as a species." Yet, as Nielsen and others have revealed, the so-called Bhagavan / "Lord" is a chronically rude, lying, manipulating, avaricious and arrogant authoritarian who, along with his wife and other accomplices, has schemed to exploit humanity under the pretext of enlightening them. It is for these reasons that most of the leading longtime disciples have left this scoundrel who poses as the "Divine Incarnation" of our era.


ニールセンレポート: 「カルキは、彼が2万年以上における初の完全な神の化身で、人類が彼に協力しなければ悟れず、したがって絶滅することになる、と発言しました。」



I have not compiled this webpage of reports to denigrate Vijaykumar / "Bhagavan Kalki" (may he and all beings be truly enlightened and liberated from all karma by Divine Grace!). These materials are presented only as a public service announcement to educate and warn all sincere but not-so-savvy spiritual aspirants to watch out for this man and his movement's missionaries, and beware other con-artists who have no qualms exploiting followers for their own private gain.




Authentic spirituality is so much more beautiful than the cheap, distorted product that is dangled before the public by the likes of the so-called Bhagavan Kalki, who thinks that the Divine can be turned into a commodity for purchase-- and has cleverly convinced hundreds of thousands of persons to think likewise and buy into his fantasy and farce.


I wrote my M.A. thesis back in 1983 at CIIS on the worldwide ancient-modern phenomenon of Shaktipat, Divine Grace and/or Energetic Empowerment (which occurs in many of the most powerful lineages of our sacred traditions and is featured in numerous modern groups including Pentecostal Christianity and new religious movements on all continents). With a certain expertise on this extraordinary and multi-faceted phenomenon, I have been "amused," to say the least, to see how a rather large number of pseudo-gurus and/or cult-leaders have selfishly exploited the idea that Divinity or Enlightenment can be "transferred" or "transmitted" (almost always for a big price!) via the touch, sight, or mental intention of the exalted "Guru" and his/her initiates. This creates neurotically hungry "Grace-chase" expectations in the minds of seekers looking to get "high" on euphoria and altered states of consciousness (ASCs) rather than become truly clear and free, free of egoic attachments, aversions and delusions.




God-Realization or Self-Realization is not about obtaining some experience for a "me"--but about awakening to and lovingly living from THIS Absolute Open Infinite Awareness which is never an experience but the "No-thing-like" Empty/Full Source and Substance of all experiences. And THIS Absolute Awareness or Pure Spirit is always Who/What We Really Are, freely available as the inner Self of all selves, the Subject in which all objects arise, the Noumenon for all phenomena.THIS true Self or Reality is "closer than close," "subtler than the subtlest," right HERE before any and all identifications.





A genuine Guru or "remover of spiritual darkness" simply and consistently points the aspirant back to this intrinsic, inborn (sahaja) "Inner Guru" Reality, the Divine Truth of our real Being. The authentically helpful human Guru or Friend does NOT needlessly entice one into an external "Grace chase," pompous worldly schemes, "energy experiences," or any other worldly phenomena high or low (heavenly, earthly, etc.).



By contrast, however, a false or pseudo-guru will strategically use all sorts of tricks to create dependency, limited identifications, attachments, complications and delusions so that you feel like a special "somebody," somebody who is part of an elite group which is now especially "empowered" to usher in a Golden Age of Enlightenment for all lesser beings.



It is just such a swindle that has been run since the early 1990s by Vijaykumar / Kalki Bhagavan....


As we shall learn from the materials gathered and presented below, Vijaykumar was a mid-level administrator in a Krishnamurti school in India; he began to have some spiritual experiences and then, more problematically, began to have inflated ambitions to become a leading guru-figure himself. J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) criticized Vijaykumar's spiritual experiences and pretensions. Vijaykumar subsequently worked with an elegant "front-man," Dr. R. Shankar (who brought Vijaykumar into the JK school), to open in India's Andhra Pradesh state his own new school for adolescents and to create an exalted status and mythos for himself as a great spiritual leader. Predictable in an era of spiritual hunger, Vijaykumar, with the attractive Shankar's help, began to draw in lots of sincere, impressionable, and rather gullible young people to his movement. Vijaykumar-Kalki and his wife Padmavathi Amma ("Amma" commonly means "Mother") and their closest inner circle of followers cleverly utilized certain high-flown language about enlightenment and (from 1993 onward) the power of naive expectations about "collective mass enlightenment," along with insidious social dynamics (authoritarianism mixed with "collegial networking," peer pressure, etc.) and well-known inner psychological dynamics (experience-seeking, interpersonal dependency, group identification, cognitive dissonance, etc.), and, with the newfound power of the giant sums of money they were soon amassing, the proud and petty "Bhagavan and Amma" quickly grew a large mass movement out of the initial cult group.







Part of the big appeal was to entice growing numbers of persons with the chance to feel self-important and even make some money as "deeksha-givers," people who could "transmit enlightenment via Divine Grace" by laying on hands over other people's heads and "letting the Divine energy flow." All sorts of expectancy effects play into this set-up, and, combined with a natural flowing through the hands of warm heat and subtle energy (variously called in different traditions prana-shakti, ch'i, ki, mana, baraka, orgone, bioplasma, etc.) from our own human energy field (HEF) in resonance with the HEF of the deeksha recipient, most recipients of this deeksha will enjoy unusual temporary experiences of focused attention, relaxation, openness, a feeling of being nurtured and loved, and, yes, a heightened sense of energy flowing in and around their body.

大きなアピールの一部は「ディクシャギヴァー」(他者の頭上に手を置いて、「神聖なエネルギーを流す」「神の恩寵を通して悟りを伝えられる」人々) として影響力のある自分を感じることができて、幾らかの金銭を稼ぐことさえ出来るチャンスだとして、大人数を誘惑することでした。



But to use the word "enlightenment" to describe these fleeting experiences and a modicum of nondual mystic understanding is to cheapen the word "enlightenment" beyond all recognition.


The rapid growth of the Kalki Deeksha movement (for a time it was called the "Golden Age Foundation") created its own snowballing social dynamics such that by 2005 the Oneness Movement was inflatedly claiming 30 million followers in India and worldwide. Realistically, there are likely "only" a few hundred thousand people, not millions, who have paid to take the courses, initiations, and/or darshan-audiences proffered by the Deeksha / Oneness Movement.



An especially nifty strategem created by Kalki Bhagavan and his organizational leaders is to invite certain foreign New Age, New Paradigm, and neo-Nondual "spiritual teachers" and "healers" with sizeable followings to come to the Golden City (now Oneness UniverCity) to present their lectures and workshops and to meet Bhagavan at the twice-a-year "Oneness Festivals." This strategy is a brilliant form of "collegial networking" to insure that all the followers of the foreign teachers will also come to know of Bhagavan's "eminence" as an Indian Guru/Avatar, and, in turn, the foreign teachers can feel that they have participated in some lofty form of cross-cultural, interfaith ecumenicism and can also proudly feel that they have received (in addition to monies received) some kind of recognition and blessing for their own work by a "prominent Indian spiritual Master." What an insidious quid pro quo arrangement for all parties involved in this club of mutually congratulatory back-slapping! Almost all participants can then think (sincerely or not) that they are doing their part to "enlighten humanity"! Well, everyone except "Bhagavan and Amma," who most likely are secretly laughing all the way to the bank over the amazing credulity of the multitudes who come to see them and participate in their charade.






The Kalki cult has attained even more national and international attention with the completion and inauguration, on April 22, 2008, of its ostentatiously lavish Oneness Temple, situated at the Oneness UniverCity complex. Formerly known as Golden City, it is 65 km / 40 miles north of Chennai/Madras, just outside Varadayyapalem village, 4 kms from Tada, on the road from National Hwy 5, west of Pulicat Lake and just north of the Andhra Pradesh - Tamil Nadu state border. The Oneness Temple is a mammoth, three-floor marble structure twenty times the size of the Taj Mahal, adorned with marble spires and balconies, its centerpiece the "Golden Ball of Divine Grace" that supposedly can induce those neurobiological brain-changes creating higher levels of enlightened consciousness. The temple was built on the backs of the poor but hopeful (now hapless) Indians and the naively gullible Westerners whom "Bhagavan and Amma" have roundly fleeced with their long-running money-making racket. (Inauspiciously, celebrations were suspended at the Temple after four persons died and many were injured in a stampede on the inauguration day when allegedly 600,000 persons--including Oneness members and the curious public--overwhelmed the ill-prepared hosting personnel.)






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